What Makes Your Computer Slow

What Makes Your Computer Slow
What Makes Your Computer Slow

You have spent a great deal of money on your new computer, and you are assured by the salesman that what you have is the latest and fastest processor around.

In the first couple of weeks of using the computer you begin to notice that things are taking just a bit longer to download than before. Eventually the speed is noticeably less than when you first plugged in your system and booted up.

Your first instinct is to take the thing back to the store where you bought it and demand your money back. You even consider throttling the salesman that sold you this piece of garbage.
But  you had your operating software checked?

Sometimes, the problem lies not in the hardware, but in the software. There are two major types of situations that will affect your software and slow down your computer.

The first one of these is called spyware or malware. These are viruses that piggyback on programs and attach themselves to your computer's resources and steals these recourses from the computer. These viruses can eventually do all kinds of damage both to your computer and to your personal affairs.

Some of these programs will do things such as hijack your social security number, credit card numbers, and all kinds of personal information. A registry cleaner software will not take care of viruses.

The second type of situation is called registry corruption. Registry cleaning is actually more of a maintenance issue than an attack on your computer. Most computer users do not realize that some softwares require maintenance, just like a car needs to have the oil changed.

First of all, the Windows Registry is a very important part of the computer. The registry stores all of the software, programs, hardware, and files that control how your computer goes through its functions. If you have any kind of a problem in the registry, then these problems will make it impossible for you to open or run all of the programs that you may have on the computer.

One important fact is that the Windows Registry is one of the most complex programs on your computer. Unless you are a professional computer technician that specializes in software manipulation, manually modifying and fixing the registry yourself is not recommended.

Any deviation from the original registry code will actually hurt your computer more and can lead to an eventual crash on your hard drive and the loss of all data on it.

Registry cleaning programs are basically a type of hunt and peck kind of program that actually goes out and finds the areas that are not working correctly and will either replace or repair the corrupted areas.