Why Do I Have To Worry About Temperature For A Network?

We'll Start With the Computer. When things get hot they expand and when they get cold they contract. I know this sounds like science class but it is very important to consider. To much expansion and contraction can affect the chips that are inside of your computer or any other component for that matter.

Why Do I Have To Worry About Temperature For A Network
Why Do I Have To Worry About Temperature For A Network?
This can cause the Integrated Circuits to loose contact. This effect is called Chip Creep. This can cause problems in sending or receiving signals. The temperature inside a computer is more than room temperature as it is. Adding components such as a network or sound card only makes it hotter.

What are the symptoms of over heating?

This may vary according to what type of computer you have but here are some symptoms:

* The computer keep rebooting or will not stay on
* The computer does not complete its boot process
* You see a warning on the screen before it boots to the operating system
* Some computers may warn you through software that is installed
* You may hear a wining or strange noise that indicates one of the fans is about to fail

How to prevent failures

* Be sure you have enough fans installed inside the computer. You should have one for the processor itself and at least one case fan. I recommend two fans if possible. Replace any fan that isn't working or is making a noise. It may makes a wining or howling noise but this may vary. If you suspect a bad fan be sure to replace it immediately.

* Keep you computer clean. Periodically remove the covers and use canned air to remove any dust or dirt. A small vacuum may be need if it is real bad. Especially clean out the fins of the heat sink located under the processor fan. If the processor over heats it will fail.

* Blow out all fans including the one for the power supply. If the power supply fan and vents get to dirty it will over heat and fail.

* Blow off the mother board and all components
As you can see dirt can be a big enemy. Keeping your computer clean may extend the life of the computer by quite a bit.

Other parts of the network to be concerned with?

Routers, switches and any other component must be kept as cool as practical. These all have motherboards and electrical components and are subject to the same environment effects as the computer is. If one of these components over heats it will eventually fail.

Most computers and network components are made much better than in the past. However, you must take the environment in consideration when designing your network. DO NOT TAKE A CHANCE! You want your network to work efficiently and you don't want it to fail. Doing it right the first time will prevent years of headaches.