Computer Security - Internet Protection

Computer Security - Internet protection and computer security go hand in hand, when we look at why we need both of these additional measures when using our computers, and the internet together. More and more people are using their computers for shopping online, and banking online, because of this present trend the undesirable people in today's society have now found an another way to obtain money easy.

Computer Security - Internet Protection
Computer Security - Internet Protection

Computer security, and internet protection are one of the same things.

The undesirables in our society will steal your information from your computer, and will even damage your hard drive for the pure fun of it. The security of your personal information should be at the very top of your wish list if using the internet.

Let's look at some things you can do to reduce if not eliminate the risk of the information held on your computer being stolen/hacked into:
Top of the list is obtaining, and installing a good anti-virus/anti-spyware software, although the present operating systems have some of these facilities already in them it is always better to have your, make sure that this software will work in conjunction with the operating system.

These programs will check everything whilst you are using the machine and warn if an attempt is being made to access your system, it will also block known virus's and threats, scan your e-mail for the same problems, and warn or block the content. Remember these people are good at what they do namely hacking into systems, granted the software will cost some money but it far cheaper than having your bank details, credit card details, and other personal details stolen that they can then use to defraud you.

Try not to keep sensitive data on your hard drive; whilst I appreciate it is easier when you are working online at the bank to be able to allow the programs to automatically fill in the details for you, in the long run it is not worth it.

The type of information the hackers are looking for is your name, address, telephone number, social security info, credit and bank details numbers etc. It is far better to remember these items. I do realist that you can have a lot of information if using banks, cards etc, but it is possible to store this information on a removable device which you have password protected, and encrypted but keep it somewhere safe.

Computer security internet and shopping online

Computer security internet and shopping online

Computer security internet and shopping online

When shopping online and passing sensitive information over the internet ensure that the service you are using is secured. Do not open files in e-mails where you do not know the sender or if it something you are not expecting and it comes in the form of an attachment and defiantly trust your anti-virus software if it advises that the download is not safe. Do not bypass your protection software because it is causing your downloads to take a long time, better to lose a few minutes than have that information stolen or data stored completely destroyed.

One last piece of software to ensure is loaded to your PC is a good Firewall this software checks all data coming in and going out of the computer. Blocking any it is not happy with or even remotely looks like it is trying to read what you have and what you are sending; modern windows operating systems have a good firewall built in and will happily work with most anti-virus programs.

You can read further computer security reviews and computer security articles on the internet, if you live in the UK and enter internet security UK it will come back with something like 85,000,000 results, anywhere else in the world and I've been getting figures greater than this, so you can see it is a subject that you must take very seriously indeed.
Your best protection for your computer security - internet protection is in your hands and the actions you take now.

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